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Garlic: The Natural Pest Repellent

Garlic is a welcome smell in many kitchens. A little olive oil, a little garlic…dinner is on its way!

But… Did you know that garlic is also a very powerful (and natural) insect and garden pest repellent?

This delightful little bulb contains an amino acid that, when broken down by crushing, chopping, or blending, changes to allicin. This substance is the goodness you smell when you’re cooking, and it does more than just make our mouths water.

Allicin is absorbed by plants, causing a natural reaction – repelling mosquitoes and other garden insects like ticks, fleas, white flies, aphids, ants, etc., and animal pests like rabbits, deer, and field mice. The good thing about plants, however, is that while garlic’s repellent qualities last for a few weeks, their new-found garlic breath is no longer recognizable to humans within a few minutes of application!  In other words, while the insects and pests that would like to feast on your plants will taste it for weeks and stay away, it will be unrecognizable to humans in their garden vegetables.

Garlic is an all natural repellent, and is gentle enough to use on even the most sensitive trees,  and shrubs, and garden plants  to keep your gardens and your lawns mosquito free. And who doesn’t love safe, all natural outdoor remedies that keep our properties beautiful year round?!?

Excited about spring, but dreading the pests that come along with the new season? Learn more about natural solutions from Just Scentsational by Bare Ground that will help make the outdoors this spring and summer more Bareable!  

1 thought on “Garlic: The Natural Pest Repellent

  1. This is really great article. Its help me a lot . Thank you.

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