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What’s So Great About Liquid Fish?

Fish has been used by Native Americans as a natural source of plant nutrients for hundreds of years. The organic matter that the fish fertilizer provides breaks down and releases nutrients into the soil for plant strength and vitality, and also enhances the naturally occurring micro organisms in your soil.  This means that you don’t have to use synthetic or chemical fertilizers that are the main source of groundwater pollution, AND the fish fertilizer is safe for people and pets.

Trident’s Pride liquid fish soil enhancer by Bare Ground is a concentrated high energy soil nutrient broth that creates a superb foundation for building the best lawns, crops and gardens. We use 100% including the enzymes (this is not a scraps-only formula).

In addition to the liquid fish soil enhancer, Trident’s Pride also comes in granular form for added soil aeration, making it easy to incorporate this natural fertilizer into your planting process from the very start!

  • Helps ALL plants, flowers, grasses, trees, shrubs, and crops better assimilate soil nutrients
  • Creates beneficial microbe explosion in the soil with complex array of nutrients and minerals
  • Enviro-considerate by reducing the need to use fertilizers…the #1 ground pollutant
  • Increases Antioxidants in the soil
  • Increases soil’s energy and sugar content
  • Increases growth and production by building a healthier soil
  • Increases organic matter and earthworm population
  • Increases soil microbe production
  • Increases the Cation Exchange (electrolyzed exchange of positive soil ions)
  • Perfect for Organic gardening
  • Great for all indoor and outdoor plants

2 thoughts on “What’s So Great About Liquid Fish?

  1. What is the NPK on your Trident’s Pride by Bare Ground Ready-to-Use Fish Fertilizer?

    1. Hi Chris,

      The NPK is 2-3-1

      For those wondering, the three numbers on fertilizer represents the value of the three macro-nutrients used by plants. These macro-nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) or NPK for short. The higher the number, the more concentrated the nutrient is in the fertilizer. For example, numbers on fertilizer listed as 20-5-5 has four times more nitrogen in it than phosphorus and potassium. A 20-20-20 fertilizer has twice as much concentration of all three nutrients than 10-10-10.

      Hope that helps!

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